If you've never seen an eye doctor before, there's a lot of new things you'll be experiencing. Eye doctors use specialized equipment and technology to examine every facet of your eye to ensure that your vision is healthy. One of these tests examines the pressure in your eyes. Here's what you can expect from your first eye pressure test. Why It's Performed Eye pressure is a very important component of your eyes.
28 August 2018
Has your child been asking to trade in his or her eyeglasses for contact lenses? As a parent, you may be a bit skeptical about letting your child do this. Whether or not this is a good decision lies in how responsible your child is and your child's current level of maturity. Read on to learn about the benefits and drawbacks of contacts for children as well as how to know if your child is ready to made the switch.
26 June 2018
Getting anything in your eyes that isn't supposed to be there can be painful and annoying, but toxic substances are downright dangerous. Whether it's something as common as household cleaning solution or something more unusual, it's important to know in advance how to care for your eyes if something dangerous gets in them. Prepare yourself by reading this simple guide. Read the Directions The very first thing you should do in these instances is to read any directions the product has on it.
10 April 2018
If you are sick of putting in contacts every morning or always wearing glasses that fog up or get bumped on things, then you may be thinking of LASIK surgery. However, a lot of patients approach this surgery with apprehension until they either go through it or have a friend who does so. After all, having a laser aimed at your eyes does sound scary! Thankfully, most of the concerns about LASIK are unfounded.
10 February 2018
Are you the parent of a child in elementary school? Do you know how to tell if your child is in need of glasses? The younger your child is, the less likely he or she is to be able to tell you that his or her vision is in need of correction. He or she may simply think that what he or she is seeing is normal when, in actuality, it is in serious need of correction.
15 November 2017
It can be hard to know when your vision is starting to go out. Often your vision will start to fail so slowly that you will not realize that it is happening. You may notice that you need to sit closer to your computer, or that you are having a hard time ordering food off a menu. These are all signs that point to your eyes changing. The good news is that optometrists will be able to fit you with the right contact lenses or glasses.
13 July 2017
While Lasik can significantly improve the eyesight of people suffering from nearsightedness or farsightedness, this procedure is not appropriate for everyone. In particular, Lasik surgery is generally not recommended for people with diabetes. Here are two reasons why and what you can do to overcome these issues. Fluctuating Eye Sight One of the main reasons why an eye doctor may be hesitant to perform Lasik eye surgery on a diabetic patient is because that person's eyesight will fluctuate based on what's happening with their blood sugar level.
13 March 2017